Summer Session Courses
Instructions for Joining Summer Courses:
Unlike the architecture courses offered by our department during the fall and spring semesters, summer courses are administered by the Summer at Barnard team and do not have an application requirement. To register for summer courses and learn more, please visit the Summer Session webpage. Questions? Email
Summer Session Courses and Descriptions:
ARCH UN2103 | ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: SUMMER STUDIO: | MW 9:00 AM-1:00 PM | Baxi, K. | See here | Not required |
- ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: SUMMER STUDIO: This course may be used to fulfill the architecture major or minor requirements. It can replace: ARCH 2101 Architectural Design: Environments & Mediations OR ARCH 2103 Architectural Design: Systems and Materials. Alternatively, students may use it as an additional optional studio course to complement their overall studies in the major. Majors and minors should consult with our faculty advisors if they have any questions about how to use this course within their program of study.
- COURSE DESCRIPTIONS: All course descriptions are available here on the Architecture Department Course Descriptions page of our website.
- PLANNING SHEETS AND FORMS FOR MAJORS AND MINORS: Major and minor requirements worksheets are intended to help students plan their coursework and the completion of their program of study. You can download our major and minor worksheets from the Requirements for the Majors & Minors page of our website. These forms are all fillable PDFs, so you may type directly into the text fields and save and/or print the forms. Alternatively, forms may be printed and completed by hand.